Heart Walk

Mustache Mustache Challenge

Some seemingly unrelated facts:

  • I have been sporting a goatee since the first of the year.
  • I look absolutely ridiculous with a mustache.
  • I am participating in the American Heart Association Heart Walk on April 28.

How do things tie together?

As a participant in the Heart Walk, I am raising funds to fight cardiovascular diseases (including those that are prevalent in my family).  Instead of just asking my loyal readers for a simple donation, I have decided to give you something special for your tax-deductible donation:

My public humiliation.

You see, the Feit men share several genetic traits.  Among them are the ability to grow a great mustache and heart disease.  At least two of my dad’s cousins have rocked amazingly awesome handle bar mustaches.  And several of my relatives (including my dad and grandfather) have lost their lives to heart disease.  As you can see below, I did not inherit the quality mustache DNA, but there is a damn good possibility that I will have heart disease at some point.

Therefore, I am going to trade my dignity for donations.  I will unleash this sorry soup strainer on the world in exchange for your change.  Every $50 dollars donated (over my goal amount) equals an extra day of mustache-y goodness.

The details: 
When I signed up for the Heart Walk, they suggested a fundraising goal for $250.  The morning of the Heart Walk (Saturday, April 28, 2012), I’ll shave the goatee down to a gloriously hideous mustache.  For every $50 over that $250 goal, the mustache sticks around for an extra day.  If I raise a total of $500, the ‘stache sticks around for 5 extra days.  Total donations of $1,000 means over two weeks of mustachery.  As you can see, my shame can (and likely will) be purchased.

No, that is not a dead mouse on my face

So very glorious!

If you would like to support the Mustache Mustache Challenge, you can donate online at http://share.heartwalk.org/sU992BG using a credit/debit card, ACH, or PayPal.

I thank you for your support.